RATS Codeplug README for the CO04D Master Codeplug and derivatives This file updated 10:22p 12/24/2023 * This is a limited codeplug Known issues to be addressed in next update: - none at this time Special notes: - All Cotre radios use the same CPS but different codeplugs. DO NOT attempt to load this codeplug onto any model other than the CO04D. Loading this to any other model will brick your radio. For RATS codeplug announcements by email, send a blank message to rats-codeplug-announce+subscribe@listserv.rats.net or visit https://groups.google.com/u/1/a/listserv.rats.net/g/rats-codeplug-announce Feedback and corrections: codeplug-request@rats.net Change log follows: 20231224 DMRVA 2.0 Initial release